
All my How To videos about leatherwork can be seen at:

Johan's Channel

I have a Video channel just for braiding:

Johan's Channel about Braiding

A Forum

A Great resource of knowledge can be found in the Forum at

Join them and have the whole forum to search.
Categories include knife sheath making, braiding, saddle work, tools, etc..

There is also lots to drool over and a lot of inspiration to be had.

You will find me there too - look for the leather hat, instead of my ugly face!

A great resource is this one

(currently everything on there is free)


Tandy's videos can be seen at:

Tandy Videos

1 comment:

  1. Leatherworking is a fun and relaxing hobby that anyone can pick up. You don't need a lot of expensive tools or a large workshop to get started, but one thing you will want is leather in the proper size for whatever project you are starting with. LeatherHandy leathercraft blog is here to help you find the right leather for your project. You can find leather in a variety of colors, thicknesses and dimensions. Once you have the right materials, getting started is easy with step-by-step instructions that are available online or through books to walk you through each project.
